KnovelCam Inc


About KnovelCam Inc

KnovelCam is a medical x-ray camera technology company. Its lightweight and portable X-ray camera system packs in a carry on size luggage and sets up in under 3 minutes and can take X-rays of any body part, from lower and upper extremities to chest, abdomen, and lateral lumber of the spine, in a matter of seconds. The DICOM as well as digital JPEG images are then available on the working station for immediate review and on the for storage, disaster recovery, and access grants to other participants in the chain of custody or medical decision making such as the radiologist and the principal physician. is essentially a picture archiving and communication system powered by AI capabilities.
KnovelCam aims for two major revolutionary pathways, one to make robotic x-ray, Xobot, to free up x-ray techs time so they can focus on the human aspect on the patients and secondly to use AI for the interpretation of x-ray images to address shortage of radiologists and high price of reads.

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Problem statement

X-ray machines are bulky, costly to own and maintain and heavily tech dependent for operations. 10% of American populations visited rural clinics in 2021. Many to almost non of those clinics offer x-ray due to costly acquisition and operation. Rural clinics operated by Indian Health Service also hardly offer x-ray due to the cost and difficulty of operations and maintenance.

Applications in ambulatory operations: Ambulances hardly have an x-ray unit in them due to cost, bulkiness and difficulty of operations, although a few x-ray taken on the trauma scene and sent to the hospital before the patient arrives can speed up the decision making process and expedite the early response treatment which is crucial to the patient survival and recovery. A knoevelCam system which packs in a carry-on size impact suitcase can be put in every ambulances, a medic can set up the unit in a few minutes and take several x-rays in a couple of minutes and send the images to the hospital before the patient gets to the hospital.

Population of the earth has doubled since a 100 years ago and we mostly live in highly populated and dense areas. Major threat to our health has been raspatory illnesses which we have seen a trend of every 10 years, SARS in 2002 China, MERS 2012 Saudi Arabia, Covid 19 in 2020 to 2022 globally. Covid 19 showed how lack of ability to take chest x-ray put a constraint on accurate diagnostic of Covid 19 and hence elevated risk and cost and in many cases death due to poor diagnostic. On the next pandemic, every urgent clinic can afford to own a KnovelCam x-ray camera system and set it up anywhere, like in a tent in a parking lot and take chest x-rays. All components of the system run on batteries and all are wirelessly connected through a local wi-fi set by the work station not a building or mobile carrier. An image is available to view by the medics on site with in seconds of taking an x-ray or can be uploaded and submitted to for radiologists or AI read.

In Military, there are combat support hospitals and Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals in many of which x-ray is under-provided or not provided due to bulkiness and difficulty of operations. KnovelCam x-ray camera system can be packed in a tactical backpack, get set up in under 3 minutes, shoot and compile an x-ray image in a few seconds for the medics on site. With a Starlink internet connection, image is then gets automatically uploaded on for radiology or AI read.

In veterinary space: In the field and in an out-patient scenario, instead of taking an equine to a hospital, a vet can show up with all gears including x-ray to take images, diagnose and treat. In the clinic, in orthopedic surgery, x-ray can be brought in the surgery unit and operate there instead of having to move the animal patient with all life supply gears to the imaging room. Less risk and faster treatment.

In Podiatry space: Instead of moving patients, imagine an old woman or man who happen to be over 300 lbs having to get off a wheelchair and climb up an x-ray station to get an x-ray of the very foot who they have a hard time getting on. With KnovelCam x-ray system, x-ray can be taken to the patient instead of vice-versa. X-ray components can be placed around the patients foot to get an image.
KnovelCam conducted a study in a podiatry clinic with 5 exam rooms and found that they save almost 90 minutes on a busy day by not having to move the patients from exam rooms to the x-ray room. Instead they took the x-ray unit from one exam room to another to take x-rays.

Traction Metrics

Traction information

We are in 7 rural clinics, 2 pain management clinics, 1 urgent clinic and 1 veterinary clinic so far and since we launched our first product a year ago.

Product video

Product images


July 2022

KnovelCam Partnered with a Major Multi-Clinic Health Provider

KnovelCam partnered with a Texas rural clinic group to provide x-ray system to their current as well as upcoming clinics.


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